Join Me for a Virtual Pilgrimage to Jerusalem
This is a Special Offer for those who have participated in our Free Webinar on August 7th, and its valid for 1 Week Only (until August 14th)!
Have you always wondered when you will have the chance to fly all the way to Jerusalem? Are you worried, with all the turmoil in the Middle East, if it’s safe to go there?
Now you can visit Jerusalem without leaving the comfort of your home!
Join us on a unique virtual pilgrimage through videos that takes you on a spiritual experience in the footprints of Jesus here in Jerusalem and the Holy Land.
Visit all the places where Jesus had been and feel as if you are actually there. Participate in all the ceremonies that are being celebrated here in Jerusalem. Then, when you read the Gospel, you shall feel it comes alive. has more than 60 videos of the holy sites in Jerusalem and the surrounding area, as well as Christian ceremonies at the sites. Each event that we commemorate actually happened. Over the period of 12 months, you will also receive more videos of holy sites all over the Holy Land.
A trip to Jerusalem costs above $3,000, and you also might be concerned with the turmoil in the Middle East!
Your experience with us costs just $4.99 per month, as much as a cup of coffee, and you do not need to leave the comfort of your home. You can also invite family members and friends to join you on this amazing journey to the Holy Land.
You might say to yourself that there are many videos available online that you can watch for free, so why pay for these videos?
The question is, are these videos really good? Do they truly take you to Jerusalem? Do they tell the story of each place?
Almost all free online videos are shot by people during their visit to Jerusalem, with their own cameras or even cell phones.
The secret to a good video is editing and an HD camera is not enough!
The video needs professional editing. It has to flow smoothly. Sound needs to be added to create the right atmosphere. Pictures, maps and annotations are required to provide the necessary explanations and, above all, narration is essential to allow the story of each place to unfold. It is only once you combine all of these that a true virtual experience emerges.
And that is precisely why we have gained the support and admiration of so many viewers worldwide.
So register now and become a member in a community of faithful Christians from around the world who follow Jesus in Jerusalem by watching our videos the way you long to visit the Holy Land one day.
This special offer is Valid only for one week and will end on August 14, 2014, together with the special bonuses that you receive with it.
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Here are some comments that I have received from people who watch our movies:
Moreover, over the past 2 years since I started my project, my videos have been watched 253,847 times.
You will also get these FREE Bonuses:
Immediately after you register to our yearly plan you will get FREE wallpapers for your computer screen and for your mobile phone – these special wallpapers are available ONLY with this special offer and cannot be bought anywhere.
Seeing these pictures of places in Jerusalem all day long on your computer screen and especially on your mobile phone, you will want to log in to our website again and again.
We are giving you three (3) sets of wallpapers:
[col-2]Wallpaper for Computer Screen
Wallpaper for Mobile
Mount of Olives
[col-2]Wallpaper for Computer Screen
Wallpaper for Mobile
The Via Dolorosa
[col-2]Wallpaper for Computer Screen
Wallpaper for Mobile:
And there is even more…
I am also giving you a FREE copy of the DVD of The Via Dolorosa Experience.
It’s a 28-minute DVD that I have created that joins you with the Franciscan friars and many other Christian pilgrims from all over the world on their weekly Friday walk and prayer along the Way of the Cross here in Jerusalem – this practice in Old Jerusalem goes back seven centuries.
Watch the TRAILER of the movie so you can get an idea of what you are in for when you watch the complete Movie:
This DVD is being sold on Amazon for $19.99 (including shipping), but you get it for FREE!
And there is even more…..
A FREE hard copy of the book Chasing the Divine in the Holy Land by Ruth Everhart!
–Englewood Review of Books
“As Chasing the Divine reminds us, these kinds of once-in-a-lifetime experiences aren’t meant to satisfy us, but are given to help us recognize how hungry we are. Everhart did the work of a pilgrim as she opened herself up to honest questions about her theological assumptions and spiritual history as she traveled the Land. Her beautiful, frank writing make this an enjoyable and unsettling read. The unsettledness is the gift of the book to readers, because the kinds of questions Ruth Everhart allowed herself to ask throughout the trip about who God is and what she truly believed about him are the kinds of questions that can transform any one of us into pilgrims, no matter where we live or travel.”
Read this amazing book and watch our videos, and your spiritual experience is guaranteed.
This Hard Copy book is being sold on Amazon for $19.12 (including shipping & Tax).
And all these for just $4.99 per Month!
To Register and Get the Free Bonuses
Just click on this button.
[sign_up_yearly text=”Yes! Click Here to Register”]
You have nothing to lose!!!
I am offering you a 30–Day-Money-Back Guarantee!
I know you will LOVE our Videos. I simply know it!
How? Because I am reading comments about my videos and emails that people are sending me – they simply LOVE my videos and they watch them over and over again. For some, it feels as if you they are in Jerusalem. Others thanks me for this spiritual experience and those who were lucky enough to visit Jerusalem in the past, our videos bring back memories.
That’s why I’m willing to offer this Unconditional Guarantee!
To Register to our Site + Receive the FREE bonuses + a 30-day-Money-Back Guarantee
[sign_up_yearly text=”Yes! Click Here to Register”]