“I feel as I am in Jerusalem”
What a great video .. even I’m here in the Philippines, I felt like I’m standing on the very place, because of the video .. I
am so pleased and blessed to have this opportunity by viewing your videos. Thanks a lot.
Joe Kher Kaayo
Thank You for sharing your videos with me It’s like i am there also hope you continue to add videos to your blog they are such a Blessing to watch.
Shelia Roberts
Wow, I am amazed with the joy of my Lord and Savior, the feeling of being present in HIM whom I serve is so awesome. I am starting to save my little money to take that trip cause if I felt sooo close to my Jesus just watching the film, I can imagine the real place, I want to go there!
Mary Jane Arispe
“Getting ready for my Pilgrimage to Jerusalem”
Thank for sharing I ‘m about to put to gather a program to holy land pilgrimage 2013 and I will share with my group it is wonderful! idia to wach previu I really love it and will pass to others. thank you Blessings to you Freweini b. Ghile Freta’s Creative tour to Holy Land.
Freweini Ghile
[/one_half] [one_half]“What an Experience”
My heartfelt thanks, i’m so blessed to be given this once in a lifetime chance to view this holy event Godbless us always
Angelina StaMaria Cordero
Eran, you are a blessing. Bringing to others such beautiful and profound videos. Allowing us to share in those expierences that we would be unable to without your kind heart and love of Jesus. Thank you from this tiny town in Troy Mo. Brig ginger to life a world I only ever dreamed of. May God continue to use you and Bless you.
Christine Roesner
It is strange, you know I have visited jerushalem in 1996 and back then I did not even believe that god actualy exists , so one day my friend and I ente red in this church , we didn’t know it was a special place but we could feel something in there that made us both weep and cry like two babies. today I am a christian and only after seeing your
video today I clearly understand what unspeakable emotion I felt in there. I hope and pray to show this place to my three sons who are wonderful! religeous children. thank you and may god bless you shallom.
Sharon Debrah da Silva
When I see the place I cry I ‘don’t know why? the place is very holly .. thank you for sharing
Maria Fe Camo
It is my heart’s desire to travel Jerusalem together with my family with GOD’s provision I know nothing is impossible with GOD.If GOD’s will Let His will be done.But thanks GOD for your video about Jerusalem. It is an opportunity for me too travel without spending a centavo.God bless you Thanks be to GOD. All honor to GOd alone Keep the good work.
Wendz Balagot