In today’s video tour we are visiting interesting sites within the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and which are NOT part of the last five stations in the final journey of Jesus along the Via Dolorosa. Some of these sites mark events that occurred at the time of the crucifixion and couple of...
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Renovated Church of John the Baptist in Jerusalem
In this new video we are visiting the renovated church of John the Baptist in Jerusalem. With in this chruch we shall see the fragments of John the Baptist’s SKULL and of Saint Pagagiotes’ skeleton. Saint Panagiotes was the new martyr who was forced to convert to Islam but...
Birthplace of the Virgin Mary by Greek Orthodox in Jerusalem
This Video tour takes us to the birthplace of the Virgin Mary according to the Greek Orthodox in Old Jerusalem. The birthplace is marked by a Greek Orthodox church which is located near the Lion’s Gate in the eastern wall of old Jerusalem. Visiting this church you see how poor and...
The chapel of Saint Vartan is located at the lower level of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher right behind the chapel of Saint Helena which was the crypt of the 4th century basilica and considered the oldest complete part of the entire structure. The way to Saint Vartan chapel is through...
In today video tour we are visiting the Saint James Cathedral within the Armenian quarter in old Jerusalem. The church of Saint James is one of the few cathedrals in Jerusalem from the Crusades to have survived almost intact. The Cathedral is considered one of the beautifule churches in...