Today we visiting Veronica Station 6 of the Via Dolorosa and see how a girl named Veronica wipes the face of Jesus and captures his image for the first time in history. We will also visit a small workshop where nuns make and paint magnificent icons of Jesus. But first let’s start today’s route by visiting the 6th (Sixth) station Via Dolorosa and Via Dolorosa station 7 Jerusalem.
Click here to go to Via Dolorosa – List of All Stations
We’re now climbing along the Via Dolorosa toward the Church of the Holy Sepulchre where Jesus was crucified and approching Veronica Staion 6. Now Imagine, Jesus climbing this path and his face covered in blood from the crown of thorns that is on his head and his eyes closed because of his sweat.
At this point, a young girl named Veronica which Jesus cured in the past, sees Jesus’ suffering, rushes to him and wipes his face with her veil. Only then Jesus is able to open his eyes. When Veronica looks at the cloth she notices that the image of Jesus face is imprinted on it.

Folk etymology has attributed the name’s origin to the words ‘vera’ (Latin for true) and ‘icon’ (Greek for image). Some believe that Veronica’s Veil is now kept by the Pope in Rome while others believe that there are fragments of it in various churches. The church at this station marks the site of Veronica’s home.
At the entrance to the church, there is a small workshop where nuns paint and sell icons.

We are now continuing our climb along the path to Via Dolorosa station 7. According to Christian tradition, this station marks the place where Jesus passed through the Gate of Judgment to the site of the crucifixion, which was outside of the city walls. On his way out, he stumbled over a threshold and fell for the second time. This station features a small Coptic chapel. The Copts, whose roots lie in Egypt, are among the earliest Christians.

From here we shall proceed to Via Dolorosa station 8 where Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem. We will also find out how the name NIKE, of the popular sportswear company, is related to Jesus……
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That’s it for now and until we meet again in my next video, let’s all live the Jerusalem experience!!!.
Thank you for your informative videos. I have been enjoying watching them. Most of them contain information that I did not previously know. I look forward to your future postings. Thanks for your efforts. May God bless you.
You are doing just awesome work brother..GBU always
Prayers fullfill our whises. Sure our Prayers gives relax our mind & soul and reduce our burdens and gives joy to lead the life in a meaningful way.Thank Q
I really enjoy the video’s, I have always wanted to visit Jerusalem. but this could be the next best thing. Lots of info. Thank you and God Bless you.
Julie Holburn – Ryan & Veronica -Ryan you look so happy as does your beautiful wife! Congratulations! We wish you both etneral happiness and love. )Julie, Will and WilliamSeptember 15, 2009 12:49 am
My heart is really glad today after watching the video dear..
now i know the actual origin & meaning of my name..Love you Jesus for everything.
[…] his mother for the first time. • V – Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus carry the cross. • VI – Veronica wipes the face of Jesus. • VII – Jesus falls for the second time. • VIII – Jesus Meets the women of Jerusalem • IX […]
I have never know that my name is related to Jesus and what is the meaning of my name VERONICA.
Great Video!!!
Never know the complete story behind Veronica. simple amazing!!! and the stations are so beautiful.
What an amazing video!!!