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Many people are asking where is Jerusalem. You can find Jerusalem in the center of Israel,  which is in the Middle East, right at the eastern end of the Mediterranean sea.

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Jerusalem is the birthplace and spiritual home to the three major Abrahamic religions – Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
In Judaism, Jerusalem has been the holiest city since King David established it as the capital of Israel some 3000 years ago and his son King Solomon commissioned the building of the First Temple on Temple Month. Today, the only remaining of the Holy Temple is the Wailing Wall which is the holiest praying place for Jewish people. According to the Biblical Old Testament, on this temple month, Abraham prepared to scarify his only son, Isaac, to God.
From the same Rock, according to Muslim believe, Mohamed made his ascendant to Heaven and this is where today stands the Dome of the rock and it is the third holiest place in Sunni Islam.
As for Christianity, Jerusalem is considered to be the holiest city since here at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher Jesus was crucified and buried but eventually resurrected to heaven.
For more videos about holy and interesting places in Jerusalem please visit my video blog at JerusalemExperienc.com.


    • MOM I don’t have trouble with the idea that Messiah will reign from a Temple built by those who don’t yet recoznige Him. They are building it to prepare for Messiah’s coming. Once He comes, I do believe that they will see Him for Who He Is. Funny that Islam has done what they could do ensure that Messiah does not enter the very gate He is expected to. I agree with your statement they have gone to a lot of trouble to squash prophecies they don’t seem to believe in. I’m sure it’s not because they believe it, but as a mental and emotional warfare tactic. I think that it’s the Gospels that tell us about Messiah’s fulfilling of the prophecies. The Epistles are letters from the Apostles to the various groups of believers regarding specific issues that we tend not to know much about. We can glean a lot from the Epistles regarding halacha and little tid-bits regarding prophecy. They are important letters, to be sure. Yes, we NEED the whole of the Bible and one section does not discredit the other.Yes, things are very interesting to watch these days! But I think it’s wise to refrain from making a decision as to whether or not this is it! and it seems that we are always so quick to make those announcements. Yes, now we see as through a glass dimly when THEN we will see clearly. May it be soon and in our days.VA:F [1.9.18_1163](from 0 votes)

    • The explanation is silpme, for God is not complex and the secrets of His Kingdom are for us, and only for us who Love Him. In the same way I obey my Father, Christ obeys His! While I am not my Father, I look like Him and sound like Him because I am from Him. When He dies I will inherit everything He has, and when I handle His affairs I carry His authority! If anything it just strengthens the argument that the Kingdom of God is a Family and not just impersonal made up of millions of individuals.

  • To me Jerusalem is an holy place, i was happy when i whach the holy land video and i pray to get there one day, but right now am in a prison yard in nigeria pls need every one help pls help me
